Xtreme STEM

We offer courses and workshops for:

  • Schools
  • Science Week
  • Home-school groups
  • Holiday Programs
  • Science Clubs
  • Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)
  • Libraries

Our courses are offered in a flexible varity of styles:

  • Weekly Classes (See the Schedule)
  • Holiday Workshops (Half day, Full Day, Multiday)
  • From small to large groups (5 to 100+)
  • Full-term courses
  • Flexible schedules to suit any group
  • Courses for various age groups (4-17)



Xtreme ScienceSecret Message WordBot (Ages 8-18)

Create and keep your own Secret Message WordBot!

Robot Hand7 segment 
WordBot has a special LED display, which you will wire-up, to display letters and secret messages!

This workshop is offered at 3 levels:

  • Standard (2-4hr) - WordBot has a special LED display, which you will wire-up, to display a single letter of your choice!
  • Extended (1 day) - You will build your WordBot using a microcontroller to teach it to display your secret message one letter at a time.
  • Advanced (5 days) - You will learn how to design, build, and code every part of your own WordBot using an Ardiuno microcontroller.

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Xtreme Science Water - Fuel of the Future (Ages 6-18)

Could Water be the Fuel of the Future?

Find out as we turn ordinary water into Rocket Fuel you get to ignite!



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Xtreme Science Rainbow in a Tube (Ages 6-18)


HydrogenOne of our most popular science workshops - everyone loves making these rainbows in a tube!

This amazing workshop shows how beautiful science can be.  Students learn about density so they can stack-up all the colors of the rainbow and prevent them from mixing.


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Xtreme Science Incredible Insects (Ages 4-18)


HydrogenExplore the incredible world of live Australian insects and arachnids in this fun hands-on workshop.

Can you correctly identify dangerous Australian spiders in the wild? Take our interactive in-class quiz to find out!

Learn to make a scientific sketch, feed the insects, and test your assumptions about Australian wildlife.

Handle live insects and microfauna for an unforgettable experience that will inspire a love for entomology and biology.


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Xtreme Science Frozen Science (2020 Term 1)



Course Description
  • Xplore Chemistry - the Science of Cold with DashX’s Xtreme Science!
  • Xperiement with Dry-ice, Instant-ice, and even Hot-Ice!
  • Find out what Xtreme cold does to chemical reactions (and glow sticks)!
  • Make cold water boil and normal water freeze before your eyes in seconds!
  • Use chemistry and cold to create a tasty ice-cream treat!
  • Grow sodium acetate crystals!
  • Calculate what a “Red-Hot Knife vs Ice Block” will do, then try it!

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Xtreme Science Fire Fight Bot I (2020 Term 1)


Course Description
  • Australia is suffering from one of the worst bushfire disasters in its history. 
  • Many animals have died, homes have been lost, and people have died fighting the fires. 
  • Robots can and do save lives! 
  • Robots can go places, and do things humans can’t do, or aren’t safe to do.
  • Students will use 3D printers and a laser cutter to manufacture the parts they need to build their own Fire Fighting Robot!
  • Students will finish the course by testing their robot against a real fire!
  • NOTE: This is a big project and will require 2 terms to complete it (This is Part 1 of 2)

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Xtreme Science Life Science (2020 Term 2)


Course Description
  • Time to learn how life works!  We will dive into Biology this term.
  • We will learn to use microscopes
  • You will see if you can make a cockroach leg move by applying electricity to it!
  • We might dissect a squid (including the ink sac)
  • You will learn how your digestive system works
  • We will look at cells, DNA, and so much more!

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Xtreme Science Fire Fight Bot II (2020 Term 2)


Course Description
  • Australia is suffering from one of the worst bushfire disasters in its history. 
  • Many animals have died, homes have been lost, and people have died fighting the fires. 
  • Robots can and do save lives! 
  • Robots can go places, and do things humans can’t do, or aren’t safe to do.
  • Students will use 3D printers and a laser cutter to manufacture the parts they need to build their own Fire Fighting Robot!
  • Students will finish the course by testing their robot against a real fire!
  • NOTE: This is a big project and will require 2 terms to complete it (This is Part 2 of 2)

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Xtreme Science Sound Science (2020 Term 3)


Course Description
  • Learn about the incredible physics of sound! 
  • Break glass with sound!
  • Fool your ears!
  • Make sound waves you can see!
  • And Much More….

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Xtreme Science Virtual Instrument (2020 Term 3)


Course Description
  • Build your own electric guitar or piano!
  • Learn how the touch screen on phones and tablets work, then make your own!
  • You will use a laser cutter to make the body of your piano or guitar, then add the touch sensors, and finally connect it all to an Arduino to bring it to life!

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Xtreme Science Space Science II (2020 Term 4)


Course Description
  • There is so much to Xplore with Science of Flight!
  • Air pressure, resistance, turbulence
  • The physics of wing design
  • Do experiments to discover the best propeller design
  • Make a jet engine!

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Xtreme Science Hologram Wand (2020 Term 4)


Course Description
  • Build a magic wand that you can wave around in the air to create a holographic message!
  • Human vision is slow, we continue to see things even after they have moved, this is how movies and videos work. 
  • It is called Persistence of Vision. 
  • You will take advantage of this and create a wand with multiple LEDs that turn on and off so fast,
    your eyes will think they see a message floating in the air!

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Little Discoverers & Inventors (Ages 5-8)

Science and Technology classes just for little ones! (STEM)
Fun, quick, and easy projects perfect for the little scientist and/or inventor in your family.


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Graphic Design (Ages 10-17)

Paint 3DGraphic Design teaches students how to use computers and software to create and edit incredible art!

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3D Printing (Ages 6-17)

3D Printing

Join DashX's FunRobotiX to learn why 3D is the future!
Students will get to work hands-on with 3D printers to bring their own creations to life!

You will learn:

  • What 3D printing is
  • How a 3D printer works
  • How to deisgn 3D models (CAD)
  • How to print existing models
  • Types of plastic
  • What to look for if buying your own 3D printer
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MS Office (Ages 6-17)

Microsoft Office is an essential tool in today's world. It is used in school, university, and business. Skills learned in this course will give students an advantage in their academic and professional careers.

WordExcelPower Point

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BotBasics (Ages 5+)

Robot HandIf you love robotics, but haven't been quite sure where to start, then this class is for you!

Even the most complicated robots are made from the same basic building blocks:
Resistors, capacitors, transistors, actuators, servos, sensors, lithium-ion batteries, and PCBs.

Ever wonder what these are and what they do?  Come and find out!  In this hands-on course we will look at, play with, and learn about the many electronic and mechanic components used in the field of robotics.

Learn the skills you need to take you from dreaming and talking about robots to actually designing, building, and programming them!

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BrushBots (Ages 5-12)

BrushBotsAre you great at building things?  Want to build your first robot?  Take your creativity and crafting to the next level – BrushBots are half-craft, half-robot, all fun!

Build your first robot and bring him to life with a battery and a motor!  Then have fun as your new BrushBot gets to play games with all the other BrushBots.  They will race, doodle, and even play soccer!

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DanceBots (Ages 5-12)  

DanceBotAre you great at building things?  Want to build your first robot?  Take your creativity and building skills to the next level – DanceBots are simple, fun and educational!

Build your first robot and bring him to life with a battery and a motor!  Then have fun as your new DanceBot gets to play games with all the other DanceBots. 

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Mini Motor-Boat (Ages 5-16)

Toy Boat
Build your own boat with an electric motor!
Learn about buoyancy, water displacement, propulsion, boat design, hydrodynamics, Newton’s laws of motion, motors, and basic electric circuits.



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Eggs in Space: Water Rockets (Ages 4-15)

Ready to be a Rocket Scienctist?

Can you design a water rocket to launch an egg and have it land back on earth safely?

Science of Fire (Ages 8-16)

FireBang, Boom, and Burn as you learn!

Amazing Fire Experiments:

  • Dragon Fire
  • Rainbow Fire
  • Match Rockets
  • Dancing Fire
  • Fire Fighter
  • Explosive Water
  • Barking Bottle
  • Balloon Boom

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Fun with Fluids (Ages 8-16)

Splash, squirt, and siphon as we learn about fluids!


Amazing Fluid Experiments!

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ArtBots (Ages 4-15)

Make a wiggling robot that draws fancy circular patterns


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Meet Edison (Ages 5-17)

Meet Edison

Edison is an incredible robot, and a perfect way to begin learning about robotics.

Edison comes ready to play with, but the real fun comes when you learn how to program him to do amazing things.

Take full control of your new Edison Bot – learn to program him to do exactly what you want him to do!               

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Mission Edison (Ages 6-17)

Edison DiggerSo now you know who Edison is, it is time to take him on some challenging missions! 

This course often follows our Meet Edison Workshop.

In this course we will learn about programing robots to solve problems.  Each problem is a mission for Edison to complete.  How many can you complete?

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Sound FX (Ages 7-15)

Learn how to create and edit your own sound effects and songs using professional sound editing software (Audacity)

Sound FX

More Info Coming Soon...

Squishy Circuits (Ages 4-7)

Playdough + Electronics = Amazing!

Little ones love playdough, now they can bring their creations to life with LEDs, beepers, and switches. Safe, fun, and easy for little hands!

Squishy Circuits

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Digital Story Telling (Ages 7-15)

Learn to make an animated story (Powerpoint and other software)

Digital Story

More Info Coming Soon...

YouTube Star (Ages 8-15)

Become a YouTube Star*! 
Learn to film, edit, and post videos. 

Students will write (or choose) a short story/script, film it, edit it, add titles and special effects, and finally post it to YouTube!

Maybe you could then go on to be famous and make your own Science Channel!

*Fine print: YouTube fame and stardom not guaranteed with course ;)


More Info Coming Soon...

QAGTC SkittleBot 2023


The Queensland Association for Gifted & Talented Children

DashX will be teaching a Robotics class again this year at the QAGTC Conference!

SkittleBot – Build, Program, and Bring-to-life your own Skittle Sorting robot!

Students will build and keep their own robot using multicolor LEDs, servos (motors), Arduinos (microcontrollers).


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This is not your ordinary Lego Robotics class – students will not just put existing robotic Lego together, rather they will get a chance to learn about robotics at a much deeper level by actually making each robotic part from scratch.

Students will keep everything they make!

Students will learn hands-on skills as they drill holes in plastic blocks, glue electronic components into them, and build their very own RoboBloX!

Ages 6-15 - Jr and Sr Classes Available

Registration now open!

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