Xtreme STEM

Skittle Bot

  1. Setup mBlock
  2. This an Arduino Nano
    Arduino Nano
    MOSI = D11
  3. Servo
  4. wba
  5. wb
  6. base
  7. base
    Make sure the servo is in the right way around
  8. Screws
    Your package has 3 screws
    The two bigger screws are used to hold the servo in place
  9. base
    Screw the servo in to place
    (Use the 2 bigger screws)
  10. horn
    Gently but firmly press the adapter cap onto the servo
  11. horn
    Screw the adapter cap onto the servo
  12. wb
    Move to 90 degrees
  13. feeder
    Gently but firmly press the tube into the cap
    Make sure the lower hole is directly pointed at the middle cup
  14. feeder
    Insert the feeder tube
  15. alignalign
    Check that your feeder lines up with the cups at 0 and 180 degrees



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