A photocell changes resistance as it is exposed to
light. The more light it recieves, the less it resists the flow of electricity.
The circuit below is setup like a tug-of-war.
The 10k resistor always has the same strength, and is on team G for Ground (negative).
The photocell
gets stronger as it gets more light, and is on team V for voltage (positive).
S (signal) is like the flag in the middle of the rope that shows who is winning.
Drill a 6mm hole in one side for the photocell
Drill a 3mm hole in the opposite side for the wires
The EyeBlock can be connected to any Analog Input (A0-A7).
If the EyeBlock is connected backward no damage occures, but all readings are 0.
See the JoyBlock for an example of how to control the WiggleBlock using an Analog Input, you can use the same program with the EyeBlock.